“What are the duties of your security personnel?”

Author: Blue Star Security Inc |

The role of security personnel at Blue Star Security Inc is to protect people, property, and information.

This may involve but is not limited to:

  • Ensuring premises and property are protected in an appropriate and effective fashion against a variety of natural and man-made threats
  • Preventing, detecting, and reacting appropriately to the commission of criminal and quasi-criminal actions on or against the property of the client
  • Interacting with law enforcement officials and the justice system, where necessary, such as apprehending and detaining someone who has committed a criminal offense
  • Providing leadership and direction in emergencies and assisting emergency personnel in times of crisis (e.g. directing firefighters to the easiest/best way to get to the scene of the fire)
  • Controlling access to a site, including monitoring entrance & gate passage, escorting people & valuables
  • Controlling or restoring order to a crowd
  • Preventing work accidents by being aware of potential dangers, reporting safety hazards, and following directions to minimize the risk posed to others.